Pixie Post

Thursday, August 07, 2008

try this

Here, check this out.
I'm playing it loud, and getting stuff done.
It's not my favourite track from the album, but it's good!


Mary deB said...

Hello! Nice to see you are back.

I hope you get your camera up and running; I like the music better than the visuals; I'm sorry about your colleague and I'd love to see the new clothes.

Also, you should start knitting and make yourself a pair of fingerless mitts for typing in the cold.

Mary the knitter

The Sagittarian said...

Hooray, I was almost too scared to visit here!! And yeah, start knitting...

GS said...

Come back Pixie! Thermal underwear and a purring cat on the lap work pretty well in the ecologically sound heating department.

Anonymous said...

Like the music, but could you post who they are and the album. Patty