Pixie Post

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Red red red

Ohh, that's right, I have made a red quilt recently. Completed in Dec 2010 for someone's birthday.
An important birthday with a '0' in it.
That's me on the right, birthday girl on the left.
Hand delivered to Christchurch in time for the birthday party.
Lovely weekend.
Love this pic!

Technical details......It's a 16 patch. 11 blocks by 11. two inch squares. Huge! But looked amazing on their beautiful bed. There are some stars in the middle. Kind of hidden, secret stars. One for each decade.

Lovely bamboo and cotton batting.....my new favourite. Stipple quilted.

ohhh look, do you think the blog might be alive again???


Ali Honey said...

Fabulous. It looks huge.

I didn't know one woman owned all those quilts.

Lyndle said...

Gorgeous! and huge! well done!

The Sagittarian said...

and I LOVE it! One of the best things about being able to sleep back in the house after the quake was being able to snuggle under this quilt. xx

Mary deB said...

Someone made me a red and white quilt when my second baby was born. I'll show it to you when you come to Toronto next. Or when I go to you!