Pixie Post

Monday, April 25, 2011

Disproportionate pleasure

The vegetable garden is giving me a totally disproportionate sense of achievement and pleasure.

Most nights I pick something for dinner. Salad leaves and spring onions one night. Silver beet and carrots the next. Beetroot and baby leeks will be ready next week. I grew pumpkins! Small, but delicious pumpkins! I even picked a couple of strawberries yesterday, the plants are still flowering. They get every ray of sun that's going in their hillside garden spot, I guess that's why they're so happy. I've let them grow leaders and will plant another row when the bleak weather that is forecast passes. Beans and peas are growing well. I've just planted artichokes.

I'm eyeing the front lawn. It needs some citrus trees at least. And I'm no huge fan of lawn-mowing....

Youngest son, served with garden fresh carrots for the first time a few weeks ago pronounced them "too full of flavour". Sheesh. He's over that now

Vegetable still life photography skills needs some work!

The carrots and silver beet went into a lamb byriani. Delicious.

It's raining, but the cut-everything-down neighbour is building a retaining wall. The timbers are currently overhanging my vege garden. We'll assume he's going to trim them off back onto his own section. Of course he is.


Ali Honey said...

Yummy yummy Yummy! I'm with you about the pleasure eating home grown veges and produce gives.
That's how carrots really tast. The Ohakune ones are grown so fast and straight and big they have a higher water content...and that has become the norm.

a little sewing said...

how very glorious! Your garden is magic :)

The Sagittarian said...

And if they don't get trimmed back by the naughty neighbour, I will help you do it!!

The Sagittarian said...

C'mon rascal, I know you're back...