Pixie Post

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Live, Laugh, Love
That's my new years resolution.
I've got big plans for this year, but that's pretty much what they amount to.
First up, I'm going to learn how to really use my digital camera. It's a Samsung Digimax V50. It isn't flash, but I reckon I can learn how to get the most out of it, and lookee here, using the manual aperture control. I like a little blur in my pictures.
So, I wish you some living, laughing and loving for yourself.
Happy new year.


Flibbertygibbet said...

This is going to be your year - full of new surprises!

African Kelli said...

Uh huh! Great resolutions! And if you can do all of these while swimming, even better!

Shelina said...

Happy New Year Pixie.

Mary deB said...

Manual aperture control?! I wish I had that... Happy New Year to you, and I hope to raise a glass or two with you on my back porch sometime!