Pixie Post

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy new year

It's almost 2013 already.

I've been telling everyone this is going to be the year of good health.

But I have a cold.  My ears are ringing and my sinuses are filled with concrete.  It's a  perfect still day and I want to go swimming, but instead I shall throw open the doors and windows and sew.  Eventually the teenagers will get out of bed.

I started last year with gall bladder surgery and ended it with a type 2 diabetes diagnosis.  In between I tore my achilles (just  a tiny little bit) and hurt my back twice , including the worst back injury ever.   Oh and I'm going to see a cardiologist in Jan and Feb.  But I'm pretty sure that will be fine, but good to be sure after 18 years of relentlessly high blood pressure.

I'm pissed off about the diabetes becos I am 'atypical'.  I am active, I am not obese.  But I can get even more active, and I can lose some middle age spread and stave off the prospect of medication for as long as possible.

So I thought if I wrote that all down I could stop stressing about all the things I want to do, and get on with what I can do. 


A couple of new dresses to show you soon.

Kitty is ready to help. 

1 comment:

Helen said...

Hi Helen

What a bummer about the diabetes. I hear a lot of people get good at controlling it with diet and exercise. I hope thet is the case for you.

Happy New Year
Helen in Wanganui